
Fort Nelson First Nation Water Quality Monitoring

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The purpose of the FNFN Surface Water Quality Monitoring was to compile and collect surface water data on streams throughout the seasons to establish baseline quality data on selected streams. Use of the data would contribute to the characterization of baseline conditions and provide better accuracy and reliability for water use. This project trained two First Nations representatives in all aspects of water monitoring. The project will help in managing the land base for future generations to enjoy.

Version 3.0.0
Data Steward Email
Data Collection Organization Fort Nelson First Nation; Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd.; Peace Country Technical Services Ltd.; Chevron Resources
Data Upload Organization Peace Country Technical Services Ltd.
Progress Code onGoing
Maintenance Frequency Code unknown
Topic Category Code inlandWaters
Keywords Chevron, Water quality, GeoScience BC, Horn River Basin, FNFN, Fort Nelson, LBMI.
Spatial Extent -124.344° 58.908°, -121.757° 59.854° (W S, E N)
Temporal Extent 2012-07-07 to 2023-03-07
Date Published
Alternate Formats FGP-HNAP ISO:19115-2 (XML) , W3C DCAT (XML) , W3C DCAT (JSON-LD)


Fort Nelson First Nation; Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd.; Peace Country Technical Services Ltd.; Chevron Resources. 2023-06-19. "Fort Nelson First Nation Water Quality Monitoring" (dataset). 3.0.0. DataStream.

Data Collection Information

A YSI D.O. Meter was used to collect dissolved oxygen at all sampling locations, LaMotte 2020e Turbidity Kit was used to collect turbidity readings for all sampling locations, PCSTester 35 for {pH, conductivity, TDS, temperature and salinity}. Sites were accessed by vehicle, helicopter, snowmobile, riverboat and ATV. Calibration and maintenance of field parameter equipment followed manufacturers guidelines. Collection of Lab samples adhered to BC RISC guidelines with 10% of samples having travel blank, field blanks and duplicate samples.

Attribution Licence (ODC-By) v1.0

You are free to share, copy, distribute, use, modify, transform, build upon, and produce works from the data as long as you attribute any public use of the data, or works produced from the data, in the manner specified in the licence. For any use or redistribution of the data, or works produced from it, you must make clear to others the licence of the data and keep intact any notices on the original data.

API Access

curl -G --data-urlencode "\\$filter=DOI eq '10.25976/2548-6v29'" -H "x-api-key: PRIVATE-API-KEY"



Modifying existing data

Schema v2.15.0
Digest SHA3-256:94b2e79b2692f3fd915ffb797588a20a2dcaf2783e98759a00a59e912ab142e3
File size 4.83 MB


Added new observations collected in 2023 field season.

Schema v2.14.3
Digest SHA3-256:f1ab91ccb1c319d9ed47490aaa7dc08eb423ee324ec460f5abacfc67ee111d86
File size 9.6 KB


added new observation collected in 2023

Schema v2.14.3
Digest SHA3-256:0b06d9c4b5dba035fb19a7500e564b7a5a9f5916692630870d93a88b5fcb6536
File size 86.83 KB


added information collected in 2022

Schema v2.14.3
Digest SHA3-256:82f6a520a24071b85f2896a58df64fc25d9720832197a54acbb89f65e3074b84
File size 249 KB


Added new observations in October 2022.

Schema v2.14.3
Digest SHA3-256:73603e8561ab57d3e857707999e8817f28fc72d18e30c114a89a0cf0f9275878
File size 249.56 KB


DataStream system update: set citation to recommended default.


Added new observations for 2021.

Schema v2.6.4
Digest SHA3-256:914e95ffbd34bd033bc370e885b33a34853f460cccfd20e8ca0fdaeace05bc56
File size 267.26 KB


Initial Submission

Schema v1.7.0
Blockchain Transaction 0x90ae65e48593ca63a029e5a9f0ae39bae125da473f5b763bead7ad52f8a74586
Blockchain Signed
Blockchain Verified
Digest SHA2-256:f688d7a7d1eaccdd35c79f63fc7acf072f302b2b02c4c4e638f227324f911448
File size 2.75 MB