
eDNA Water Quality

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Water quality testing has been incorporated into our eDNA sampling project titled Merging Advanced Technologies with Traditional Knowledge for Species at Risk Protection in order to evaluate the health of the water bodies. We use a YSI multiparameter digital water quality meter to test parameters such as: water temperature, conductivity, pH, total dissolved solids and dissolved oxygen. Sampling locations reflect areas of interest as stated by members in the asserted territory of the North Slave Métis Alliance.

Version 1.0.0
Data Steward Email
Data Collection Organization North Slave Métis Alliance
Data Upload Organization North Slave Métis Alliance
Progress Code onGoing
Maintenance Frequency Code annually
Topic Category Code inlandWaters
Keywords Water Quality, eDNA, Indigenous Lead
Spatial Extent -116.976° 62.058°, -113.201° 63.109° (W S, E N)
Temporal Extent 2024-05-29 to 2024-07-13
Date Published
Alternate Formats FGP-HNAP ISO:19115-2 (XML) , W3C DCAT (XML) , W3C DCAT (JSON-LD)


North Slave Métis Alliance. 2024. "eDNA Water Quality" (dataset). v1.0.0. DataStream.

Funding Sources

Environment Climate Change Canada. Environment Cllimate Change GNWT.

Data Collection Information

Sampling is conducted using YSI multiparameter meter twice a year (after snowmelt, before snowfall). Calibration of the meter is done at the beginning of each sampling season (i.e. early spring of each year).

Attribution Licence (ODC-By) v1.0

You are free to share, copy, distribute, use, modify, transform, build upon, and produce works from the data as long as you attribute any public use of the data, or works produced from the data, in the manner specified in the licence. For any use or redistribution of the data, or works produced from it, you must make clear to others the licence of the data and keep intact any notices on the original data.

API Access

curl -G --data-urlencode "\\$filter=DOI eq '10.25976/kw9y-2n96'" -H "x-api-key: PRIVATE-API-KEY"



initial submission

Schema v2.22.0
Digest SHA3-256:866aefd297597da2df30de366c7178a89fc3b8a327d27ff1dd9611ceec59f4fd
File size 19.48 KB