
Carleton River Watershed Area and Tusket Catchment

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The Carleton River Watershed monitoring program was initiated in 2008 to investigate the causes of water quality issues, primarily algal blooms, within a number of lakes in the watershed. Initial annual surveys up to 2011 were conducted by the Acadia University Centre for Estuarine Research with funding from Nova Scotia Environment. These initial studies identified many of the lakes in the Carleton River Watershed were seriously degraded as the result of nutrient over-enrichment. In 2013 and 2014, the Tusket River Environmental Protection Association (TREPA) conducted the annual surveys with the Acadia University Centre for Estuarine Research assisting with the 2013 survey. The Carleton River Watershed Area Water Quality Monitoring Steering Committee was established in 2015 with one of its main goals/objectives to provide guidance, oversight and management of a long-term sustainable water quality monitoring and reporting program in the watershed. Since 2015 a volunteer monitoring program has primarily conducted annual monitoring. Annual monitoring data results are reviewed and reported on an annual basis, including water quality trend analysis to assist decision makers with watershed management in the Carleton River and other watersheds in NS. The program acknowledges Nova Scotia Environment (NSE), which has been the primary program funder since 2008, and the volunteers who make the sampling program happen.

For the most part NSE supports the sampling program for 11 lakes (Provost, Hourglass, Nowlans, Placides, Porcupine, Wentworth, Parr, Ogden, Fanning, Sloans and Vaughn). TREPA typically organizes funding for Raynards, Salmon, and Kegeshook. TREPA has sampled water quality (field and lab analysis) in other lakes since 2008, which are included in this dataset.

Version 2.2.0
Data Steward Email
Data Collection Organization Carleton River Watershed Area Water Quality Monitoring Steering Committee; Tusket River Environmental Protection Association
Data Upload Organization Carleton River Watershed Area Water Quality Monitoring Steering Committee
Progress Code onGoing
Maintenance Frequency Code unknown
Topic Category Code inlandWaters
Keywords Carleton River, TREPA, NSE, blue-green algae, phosphorus
Spatial Extent -65.958° 43.865°, -64.904° 44.348° (W S, E N)
Vertical Extent -25 m to 0 m
Temporal Extent 2017-05-04 to 2021-11-02
Date Published
Alternate Formats FGP-HNAP ISO:19115-2 (XML) , W3C DCAT (XML) , W3C DCAT (JSON-LD)


Carleton River Watershed Area Water Quality Monitoring Steering Committee; Tusket River Environmental Protection Association. 2022-03-23. "Carleton River Watershed Area and Tusket Catchment" (dataset). 2.2.0. DataStream.

Funding Sources

The Nova Scotia Department of Environment (NSE) has been our main source of funding. Other sources include Tusket River Environmental Protection Association (TREPA), Adopt a Stream, Mersey-Tobeatic Research Institute (MTRI), Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture as well as the Municipalities of Yarmouth and Argyle. Many volunteers have contributed countless hours and incurred personal costs for boat use and transportation.

Data Collection Information

Sampling occurs for three events spring (May), summer (August) and fall (October)) with all study lakes sampled during the summer event. All volunteers have a thermometer, Secchi disc and water depth sampler. Date, time, general wind and sun conditions, and visible algae along travel route to monitoring site are recorded. Cloud cover during Secchi disc depth reading is also recorded. Air temperature plus water temperature at 0.25m, twice the Secchi disc depth, and 1 meter off the bottom are taken. A composite water sample consisting of 50% taken at twice the Secchi disc depth and 50% at 0.25m depth is taken at the deepest location on the lake. The summer event also collects a sample taken 1 meter off the bottom at the deepest location on the lake when most lakes are typically thermally stratified. In addition, various inlets and outlets are sampled, primarily during the spring events and in select years when additional support was available. Samples are submitted primarily to the Nova Scotia Health Authority Environmental Services Laboratory and analysed for total phosphorus, orthophosphate, nitrate, ammonia, total nitrogen, colour, chlorophyll a, and pH. Analysis for blue green algae species and select algal toxin concentrations has been conducted during select years until 2019. Prior to 2015 a Van Dorn sampler and YSI Professional Plus meter were used to collect data, and some analysis was done at AGAT Laboratories.

Data Processing

During each sampling period one duplicate sample is sent to the lab for analysis.

Attribution Licence (ODC-By) v1.0

You are free to share, copy, distribute, use, modify, transform, build upon, and produce works from the data as long as you attribute any public use of the data, or works produced from the data, in the manner specified in the licence. For any use or redistribution of the data, or works produced from it, you must make clear to others the licence of the data and keep intact any notices on the original data.

API Access

curl -G --data-urlencode "\\$filter=DOI eq '10.25976/g6wg-f476'" -H "x-api-key: PRIVATE-API-KEY"



Added year of 2017 water testing data.

Schema v2.6.12
Digest SHA3-256:17797e8dd61e25ec57831269e12cb9b803f5715088c91da485fba37032b1ce4b
File size 161.64 KB


Added the 2021 Fall data.

Schema v2.6.7
Digest SHA3-256:55d615368904c64034a92b66e13e3337466d62245d8532cb54d9264a3d0dae20
File size 35.83 KB


Fixed 2 errors. One in 2018 and one in 2019 both summer.

Schema v2.6.2
Digest SHA3-256:82a6966cfd333610b9318ef10e280a5eec483bee0cfd20b6ce318a640014bb9d
File size 712.25 KB


Added 2021 Summer data.

Schema v2.6.2
Digest SHA3-256:a6f9ef08a3685c26913cec8946aff019ef63e208da0b39c2bc915ebcc521d80e
File size 106.26 KB


Added the year of 2019.

Schema v2.6.2
Digest SHA3-256:e50bbce73d33a5e2f564c367421b79eb31b408e9339a577b37e5770668bdf6ae
File size 213.68 KB


Added the year of 2018 Data

Schema v2.6.2
Digest SHA3-256:79ecad7024549e940631bcb733e5cd6501fdabc1c87846ce432e947a2d7432f1
File size 157.71 KB


Added 2021 Spring data.

Schema v2.5.2
Digest SHA3-256:3c17b93dd455384481b829ebcd730bb9ccf6e251460149bde52ba32afc6047c5
File size 34.19 KB


initial submission

Schema v2.1.4
Digest SHA2-256:cd2fa772b194550f2aabdbf2dd1ac0a3e7a5db173f37512639142314ae845fce
File size 201.95 KB