
Executing a Long-Term Watershed Monitoring Plan for the West Fundy Composite Level 1 Watershed

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Eastern Charlotte Waterways Inc. (ECW) created an integrated watershed management plan (2020). This plan utilized multiple parameters under three broad categories, biomonitoring, physiochemical, and hydromorphological, to assess the state of watersheds in New Brunswick. This project aims to assess the plan created by ECW to determine whether the chosen parameters and the staff, time, and equipment necessary to monitor those parameters achieve their purpose in the most efficient way possible. This project also aims to add one year of data to the baseline dataset for the West Fundy Composite level 1 watershed. Eleven sites were
monitored in the four major rivers in the West Fundy Composite level 1 watershed: the Magaguadavic River, Digdeguash River, Lepreau River, and New River. On each river, a site was established in the upper reaches, the mouth, and a central point in order to get an understanding of water quality in the largest portion of the river.

Version 1.1.0
Data Steward Email
Data Collection Organization Eastern Charlotte Waterways Inc.
Data Upload Organization Eastern Charlotte Waterways Inc.
Progress Code onGoing
Maintenance Frequency Code continual
Topic Category Code inlandWaters, oceans
Keywords Water Quality, E.coli, Total Coliforms, Nutrients, Metals
Spatial Extent -67.171° 45.122°, -66.34° 45.659° (W S, E N)
Temporal Extent 2021-05-19 to 2022-10-19
Date Published
Alternate Formats FGP-HNAP ISO:19115-2 (XML) , W3C DCAT (XML) , W3C DCAT (JSON-LD)


Eastern Charlotte Waterways Inc.. 2023-02-15. "Executing a Long-Term Watershed Monitoring Plan for the West Fundy Composite Level 1 Watershed" (dataset). 1.1.0. DataStream.

Funding Sources

Environmental Trust Fund

Data Collection Information

A YSI Professional Plus was utilized to measure basic water quality parameters (Dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, conductivity) on a monthly basis. While taking the YSI measurements, a water sample was collected and tested at the ECW laboratory for Escherichia coli (E. coli) and total coliform levels. Metals and nutrient analysis was completed on a bi-monthly basis to assess seasonal changes in a full suite of metals and nutrients.

Attribution Licence (ODC-By) v1.0

You are free to share, copy, distribute, use, modify, transform, build upon, and produce works from the data as long as you attribute any public use of the data, or works produced from the data, in the manner specified in the licence. For any use or redistribution of the data, or works produced from it, you must make clear to others the licence of the data and keep intact any notices on the original data.

API Access

curl -G --data-urlencode "\\$filter=DOI eq '10.25976/15i7-ti78'" -H "x-api-key: PRIVATE-API-KEY"



Added 2022 Data Collection

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initial submission

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