
Peace-Athabasca River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data

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Long-term freshwater quality monitoring data for sites in the Peace – Athabasca River Basin for the past 15 years or longer for nutrients, metals, major ions, and other physical-chemical variables are included in this dataset. Monitoring is conducted by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) as well as through the Joint Oil Sands Monitoring Program, or in collaboration with Parks Canada and the Northwest Territories to assess water quality status and long-term trends, detect emerging issues, establish water quality guidelines and track the effectiveness of remedial measures and regulatory decisions. Most recent data can be downloaded from the following link:

Version 8.0.0
Data Steward Email
Data Collection Organization Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) / Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC); Partners
Data Upload Organization Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) / Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC)
Progress Code onGoing
Maintenance Frequency Code unknown
Topic Category Code inlandWaters
Keywords water quality, freshwater, government, status, trends, long-term
Spatial Extent -121.204° 52.662°, -117.881° 56.126° (W S, E N)
Temporal Extent 2000-01-11 to 2023-12-05
Date Published
Alternate Formats FGP-HNAP ISO:19115-2 (XML) , W3C DCAT (XML) , W3C DCAT (JSON-LD)


Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) / Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC); Partners. 2024-02-27. "Peace-Athabasca River Basin Long-term Water Quality Monitoring Data" (dataset). 8.0.0. DataStream.

Data Collection Information

Measurements regularly include physical-chemical parameters such as temperature, pH, alkalinity, major ions, nutrients and metals. Collection includes data from active sites, as well as historical sites that have a period of record suitable for trend analysis. Sampling frequencies vary according to monitoring objectives. The number of sites in the network varies slightly from year-to-year, as sites are adjusted according to a risk-based adaptive management framework.

The most recent variable and methods table can be downloaded here:

The most recent sites list can be downloaded here:

Open Government Licence (OGL)

See disclaimer for details.

Data Disclaimer

The most recent data can be downloaded from the following link:

This dataset is made available under the Open Government License - Canada:

Environment and Climate Change Canada employs every reasonable effort whenever feasible, to ensure the currency, accuracy and precision of the information provided. However, there are some limitations due to the sources of the data and the technology used in its processing and management. Furthermore, the material or any data derived using the data is subject to interpretation. Users are responsible for verifying that the supplied material is appropriate for the use or application for which they wish to employ it. The water quality and aquatic ecosystem data released may include provisional and/or validated data. Provisional data should be considered with greater caution as it has yet to be validated with quality control and quality assurance activities, which may result in significant change made to the data. Environment and Climate Change Canada makes no representation or warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, as to the information presented, nor as to its fitness for any particular use. Environment and Climate Change Canada does not assume nor accept any liability arising from any use of the information and applications used to display or use the information. The data are not intended for any legal, or navigation purposes. The data may change from time to time as updated information is received. If any information seems to be incorrect, raises concerns, or for more information on this data, please communicate with the Environment and Climate Change Canada contact provided within the application.

The material might contain links to third party sites. Environment and Climate Change Canada provides these links only as a service and convenience. Environment and Climate Change Canada takes no responsibility for the content at third party sites and in no way implies an endorsement or recommendation of the products, services or information found there. A third party site may have a privacy policy different from that of Environment and Climate Change Canada. Environment and Climate Change Canada does not assume nor accept any liability arising from any use of third party sourced content.

API Access

curl -G --data-urlencode "\\$filter=DOI eq '10.25976/9q5k-pj02'" -H "x-api-key: PRIVATE-API-KEY"



Updated dataset with new measurements.

Schema v2.19.1
Digest SHA3-256:ff57dff465ae5cb24bae229dd449472349a130495710f01a45c686d7bfd4af0d
File size 15.87 MB


Update to metadata


Updated with new measurements

Schema v2.18.1
Digest SHA3-256:467eaa8b502db8ce1c38cb9fcd95423ffcaddd898e22e7241935cdef7cb2dbf3
File size 15.76 MB


Dataset updated

Schema v2.13.2
Digest SHA3-256:be31d9f88df33c8f765960cf415ef128ef3b120d673a0a0f1ca5a7c227cb8771
File size 15.88 MB


Dataset updated

Schema v2.13.2
Digest SHA3-256:198b2b859da2ab8262330eaa1908a8a19f31ebd91ff3b1901d9065fb24dbf39a
File size 1.63 MB


Update to metadata


DataStream system update: set citation to recommended default.


Added 2019-2020 results and corrected existing errors

Schema v1.7.0
Blockchain Transaction 0xecd009041d97806be2ea413574e9e09850941bb3ababbc318a7c791817f72a15
Blockchain Signed
Blockchain Verified
Digest SHA2-256:264bc462db9c936883c1ee797859a53bdd8c5c610dc539aaecd2d8caab7a5a2f
File size 23.53 MB


Initial Submission

Schema v1.7.0
Blockchain Transaction 0x171a22b9e19613cd1c1f060e353cc66047def1b4c0b2ee3e28e49c10f2d0016c
Blockchain Signed
Blockchain Verified
Digest SHA2-256:5a4b42c9b78d5e2addaefb09e02016b2b4901bde68fd4a09114198123ffc8168
File size 22.92 MB