Documentation and How-to

Data upload resources

Ready to upload data? Get started with these essential resources.

Last updated: July 17, 2024

DataStream follows a data format based on the WQX standard for the Exchange of Water Quality Data. Learn more about DataStream's data structure and format.

DataStream Upload Template

The worksheets in the Upload Template (available in Excel and Google Sheets) can be used to prepare your data in the correct format for upload. Our Data Specialists are available to help walk you through this process (contact us:

Please ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of the Upload Template.

The templates below were last updated: July 15, 2024.

Note for Mac users: Please note that some features of the Excel template may not function if you are using Excel on your desktop. If this is the case, we recommend using Excel Online or the Google Sheets template instead.

Note: If you have a large volume of data to convert into DataStream’s data format, it may be more practical to use tools like R or Python to speed up the process. We recommend setting up a call with a Data Specialist on our team who can provide assistance and help determine the best approach.

Dataset Metadata Form

We recommend preparing your dataset-level metadata (information about your dataset) in advance of uploading, so you have the details on hand when you fill in the online form. You can use either the Dataset Metadata Form (below) or the Dataset Metadata tab of the Upload Template to prepare this information.

How-to videos

DataStream Upload Guide

A printable version of our Upload data guidance.

Survey123 template

Survey123 is an ArcGIS tool that is used to create forms for data entry. DataStream has created two example Survey123 forms that facilitate data export in a format aligned with DataStream's Data structure and format and Upload Template.

Note: You will need to use your own ArcGIS account to create your own Survey123 forms based on these examples. If you enter your data directly into these example forms, DataStream will receive the entered data instead of you.

Additional resources

We're here to help

Have questions, requests, or need help with your data?
Our Data Specialists can assist you with this process.