
CIMP 140: Changing hydrology in the Taiga Shield_ Geochemical and resource management implications

Carte et visualisation

Determining the changes in winter stream flow on the North Slave Taiga Shield; the drivers of these recent changes; the impacts of these changes on the environment; and the implications to water quality. This project focuses on a region which contains the greatest concentration of people and infrastructure in the NWT and has pressing water management and contaminant related concerns. It is imperative that resource managers have knowledge of the current state and trends of water quality and quantity in this region to properly predict cumulative impacts of anthropogenic activities and to effectively plan and manage northern development. An NWT CIMP funded project.

Version 2.0.0
Courriel de l'intendant des données
Organisation de collecte de données Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), Water Division; Chris Spence
Organisation de téléchargement de données Government of the Northwest Territories
Code de progrès completed
Code de fréquence d'entretien unknown
Code de catégorie du sujet inlandWaters
Mots clés Water, Water Quality, Hydrocarbons, Surface, Heavy Metals, Mercury
Étendue spatiale -114,455° 62,579°, -114,416° 62,657° (O S, E N)
Étendue temporelle 2004-04-02 to 2013-04-09
Date publiée
Formats alternatifs FGP-HNAP ISO:19115-2 (XML) , W3C DCAT (XML) , W3C DCAT (JSON-LD)


Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC), Water Division; Chris Spence. 2022-04-30. "CIMP 140: Changing hydrology in the Taiga Shield_ Geochemical and resource management implications" (dataset). 2.0.0. DataStream.

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curl -G --data-urlencode "\\$filter=DOI eq '10.25976/1ed9-gr10'" -H "x-api-key: PRIVATE-API-KEY"

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DataStream system update: set citation to recommended default.


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