
Toews Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Program

Carte et visualisation

On behalf of the Rural Municipality of Yellowhead, Toews Environmental Ltd. led studies on Shoal Lake, Manitoba, to inform development of a lake water level management plan and possible future initiatives to improve water quality in the lake. The water quality study comprised collection of water samples and in situ measurements from four locations on the lake in March, June, July, August and October 2018. Laboratory analyses focused on nutrients and related parameters including metals and phytoplankton taxonomy. Measurements from near the lake bottom at the deepest site will allow assessment of internal phosphorus loading.

Version 1.0.0
Courriel de l'intendant des données
Organisation de collecte de données Toews Environmental Consulting and Aquatic Sciences; AAE Tech Services Ltd.
Organisation de téléchargement de données Toews Environmental Consulting and Aquatic Sciences
Code de progrès onGoing
Code de fréquence d'entretien unknown
Code de catégorie du sujet inlandWaters
Mots clés Water quality, phosphorus, nitrogen, nutrients, phytoplankton, metals
Étendue spatiale -100,629° 50,382°, -100,597° 50,436° (O S, E N)
Étendue temporelle 2018-03-13 to 2018-10-22
Date publiée
Formats alternatifs FGP-HNAP ISO:19115-2 (XML) , W3C DCAT (XML) , W3C DCAT (JSON-LD)


Toews Environmental Consulting and Aquatic Sciences; AAE Tech Services Ltd.. 2020-11-15. "Toews Environmental Water Quality Monitoring Program" (dataset). 1.0.0. DataStream.

Sources de financement

Rural Municipality of Yellowhead.

Informations sur la collecte de données

Surface grab samples were collected directly into the laboratory-supplied bottles from approximately 30 cm below the water surface in summer and with a Van Dorn sampler from approximately 30 cm below the ice in March. Bottom samples were collected with a Van Dorn sampler from approximately 30 cm above the lake bottom. As applicable, samples were preserved and/or filtered with a syringe-mounted 0.45 µm membrane filter on site. Vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen, specific conductance and temperature were measured with a YSI 556 multimeter.

Traitement de la collecte des données

No processing of the data was conducted beyond standard QA/QC conducted by the analytical laboratory, reported to the client.

Licence d'attribution (ODC-By) v1.0

Vous êtes libre de partager, copier, distribuer, utiliser, modifier, transformer, développer et produire des travaux à partir des données tant que vous attribuez toute utilisation publique des données, ou des travaux produits à partir des données, de la manière indiquée dans la licence. Pour toute utilisation ou redistribution des données, ou des travaux produits à partir de celles-ci, vous devez indiquer clairement à d'autres personnes la licence des données et ne pas modifier tout avis sur les données originales.

Accès à API

curl -G --data-urlencode "\\$filter=DOI eq '10.25976/hntg-w602'" -H "x-api-key: PRIVATE-API-KEY"

Journal des modifications


Initial submission

Schéma v2.1.4
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