
NWT-wide Community-based Monitoring Program

Carte et visualisation

The NWT Water Stewardship Strategy is a collaborative endeavour between Aboriginal, territorial, federal, and municipal governments, communities, non-government organizations and others. It guides NWT water stewardship and management. The Strategy’s vision is to ensure that NWT waters remain “clean, abundant and productive for all time” and is founded on the importance of multiple forms of knowledge informing stewardship (e.g., traditional knowledge and scientific knowledge) (ENR 2010). During development of the Strategy, community and Aboriginal government partners expressed the desire to be actively involved in community-based monitoring.
The Northwest Territories (NWT)-Wide Community-based Water Quality Monitoring (CBM) program was developed and implemented in 2012. The CBM program was, and continues to be, a collaborative program that sees staff from the Department of Environment and Climate Change (ECC), Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), working in partnership with communities and regional organizations across the NWT to:
• Address community questions about water quality, changes over time and impacts of stressors, such as upstream
development and climate change;
• Provide opportunities for community members to gain experience in water quality monitoring in their local watersheds;
• Build community capacity for water quality monitoring.
The CBM program includes 21 NWT communities working in partnership with government to monitor water quality at over 40 sites. Water quality data for a wide range of parameters is collected using up to four types of water quality sampling techniques/monitoring equipment.
The program supports communities through training, technical support, data analysis and the provision of water quality monitoring equipment. ENR-GNWT currently plays a coordinating role in the overall program, and provides hands-on training to local monitors.

Version 10.1.0
Courriel de l'intendant des données
Organisation de collecte de données Communities of the Northwest Territories; NWT-wide Community Based Water Quality Monitoring Program; Government of the Northwest Territories, Environment and Climate Change
Organisation de téléchargement de données Government of the Northwest Territories, Environment and Climate Change
Code de progrès onGoing
Code de fréquence d'entretien unknown
Code de catégorie du sujet inlandWaters
Mots clés Water, Heavy Metals, Hydrocarbons, Surface, Mercury, Water Quality
Étendue spatiale -135,214° 59,404°, -108,894° 68,561° (O S, E N)
Étendue verticale -24 m to 0 m
Étendue temporelle 2012-05-31 to 2023-10-20
Date publiée
Formats alternatifs FGP-HNAP ISO:19115-2 (XML) , W3C DCAT (XML) , W3C DCAT (JSON-LD)


Communities of the Northwest Territories; NWT-wide Community Based Water Quality Monitoring Program; Government of the Northwest Territories, Environment and Climate Change. 2024-04-15. "NWT-wide Community-based Monitoring Program" (dataset). 10.1.0. DataStream.

Sources de financement

Environment and Climate Change, Government of the Northwest Territories

Informations sur la collecte de données

The CBM program collected data for a wide range of parameters using up to four types of water quality sampling
techniques/monitoring equipment:

• Polyethylene Membrane Devices (PMDs) – PMDs passively sample for a suite of parent and alkylated dissolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) over a 15 - 30 day period. Analyses of these passive samplers were completed by Dr. Mingsheng Ma and his team at the Biogeochemical Analytical Service Laboratory at the University of Alberta.
• YSI Sondes and EXO 2 Sondes – Sondes measure temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, chlorophyll, pH, and ORP every 2-hours for the duration of the open-water season. Data collected by the sondes is interpreted by ENR staff
• Surface grab water samples – each suite of surface grab water samples are analyzed for over 70 parameters. This includes basic parameters (such as turbidity, specific conductivity, pH and alkalinity), nutrients, major ions, organics, and dissolved and total trace elements. In 2016, where feasible, bacteriological sampling was added to the
suite, and continued to be sampled in subsequent years. Surface grab water samples were collected from all sites monthly during the field season (June – October), which resulted in 3-5 samples per year depending on the location of the sample site. The surface grab water samples were analyzed at the Taiga Laboratory in Yellowknife, NT.

Licence d'attribution (ODC-By) v1.0

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Information on this website is provided as a public service by the Government of the Northwest Territories. This information is made available without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. By accessing and using the website, users acknowledge and agree that use of the website and the content is entirely at their own risk. The Government of the Northwest Territories, including their employees, agents, and assignees shall not be liable for losses or damages of any kind that may arise as a result of use of information provided on the website.
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Accès à API

curl -G --data-urlencode "\\$filter=DOI eq '10.25976/4der-gd31'" -H "x-api-key: PRIVATE-API-KEY"

Journal des modifications


additional 2023 data

Schéma v2.19.1
Résumer SHA3-256:d5ff9264052cb275762a82ec259a1a37c4d8c38ada861e1d8d42ec478e2ed7a2
Taille du fichier 5 MB


location mapping errors corrected added 2022 dataset

Schéma v2.15.0
Résumer SHA3-256:9154478e8b253aec52fcae88963aacec6e6670fdc600e249efedd8ef5bd48839
Taille du fichier 116.16 MB


Update to metadata


Addition of 2022 YSI Sonde Data

Schéma v2.12.0
Résumer SHA3-256:eaf4c702079ee4f3d89cceb9ae1f40ab247d4e08ee205d22c7eaf823eb3fa9e7
Taille du fichier 15 MB


Addition of 2021 YSI Sonde data

Schéma v2.10.2
Résumer SHA3-256:6099f1b8855dea8744356c55ea750fa67a5c21b045e8dd8201875a4d124c58a5
Taille du fichier 91.44 MB


Added 2021 Sonde data

Schéma v2.10.2
Résumer SHA3-256:d2a2227d55c12557bee7996a72f186de441242b9d2de82ceff5b4a435da515fd
Taille du fichier 22.55 MB


DataStream system update: set citation to recommended default.


2021 Grab sample data

Schéma v2.6.12
Résumer SHA3-256:6af04d2c4f7a9ef0185b869d1454ed944ad2c84445b1d7ce01739159b9f8813c
Taille du fichier 2.93 MB


2012-21 PMD data added.

Schéma v2.6.8
Résumer SHA3-256:a35702ed2ac6ceb5978cff56903ec656e0637f86f41dcc4b1c28f06ff069cdb5
Taille du fichier 12.15 MB


2020 Sonde Data added

Schéma v2.6.7
Résumer SHA3-256:52b9f3e900936c558dd78e886bd749fc1bfe4e1872b4d45abaec757b77512569
Taille du fichier 6.43 MB


removed YSI data that was in solution

Schéma v2.6.7
Résumer SHA3-256:79c36e0c4e8ea1d145920ffbd146357f1adef92f28bb0781e1dda68d31a46fbe
Taille du fichier 49.8 MB


Calculated data to be updated.

Schéma v2.6.7
Résumer SHA3-256:9513fd63d762b89cccb2f1b51c61f3a5d3f48b10020437b7acb0297a12071563
Taille du fichier 49.83 MB


2021 field grab water data

Schéma v2.6.7
Résumer SHA3-256:e01e2d5dfcb8aaa00cedcc2a7ba5da13c4e814c8342b0d642a1c72cde814fb21
Taille du fichier 947.42 KB


Update to metadata


name conventions assigned the same

Schéma v2.6.2
Résumer SHA3-256:720e236b767a13bf85a10ab12addd6b8a1bfb18917817ce6d575cec346a36da0
Taille du fichier 57.01 MB


Added continuous 2 hr interval Sonde data from 2012-19

Schéma v2.3.0
Résumer SHA3-256:5af4d107e0dbb82c999b89b70cb8464ca237cc40a2094060d8cb5ecb3cdb451f
Taille du fichier 12.53 MB


Addition of PMD data 2012-2019

Schéma v2.1.4
Résumer SHA2-256:4e70d2ca9159dadddc41ee81ccde788723c2323574cd11a7ef5aaabe0db1335e
Taille du fichier 39.37 MB


2019 field season dateset added

Schéma v2.0.3
Résumer SHA2-256:f914134cd9ce3b72e8bbab08214bda4270bddd6e527ddc29e3ff91cccf80c54b
Taille du fichier 31.77 MB


edited email address

Schéma v1.7.0
Transaction de la chaîne de blocs 0xb108fd31e408bfa7ddd6b21188cce0e7e538f936fb80c2b88670540056da46f4
Chaîne de blocs signée
Chaîne de blocs vérifiée
Résumer SHA2-256:8a6a6026360171ce9b0ab4bab01c13fbbf25df469645bb2498f4d69221c918e3
Taille du fichier 31.33 MB


Initial Submission

Schéma v1.7.0
Transaction de la chaîne de blocs 0xb108fd31e408bfa7ddd6b21188cce0e7e538f936fb80c2b88670540056da46f4
Chaîne de blocs signée
Chaîne de blocs vérifiée
Résumer SHA2-256:8a6a6026360171ce9b0ab4bab01c13fbbf25df469645bb2498f4d69221c918e3
Taille du fichier 31.33 MB